Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
AI in Relation to TOTAMS
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations 
of Daniel Giamario
Seed People Spotlight: Shiva Faranpour
New You Tube Video Series 
What This Earth Asks And Demands
 by Naraya Naserian
The Journey of Inanna Revisioned
A 19-Months Immersive Group Experience
September Equinox
Two Days of TOTAMS Presentations
Virgo New Moon Monthly Members Call
The Astrology and Cosmology of The Next Lunation
 AI in Relation to TOTAMS
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations 
of Daniel Giamario 
"TOTAMS Astrologer Sean Imler put a number of my articles into an AI program called Reword and sent me what the program came up with.
I read it with shock and found it to be scary, as it read, at least in some ways at first, like something that I could have actually written. There were mistakes, though, 
and it entirely failed at grasping the essence of this paradigm!" 
Seed People Spotlight: Shiva Faranpour
A New You Tube Video Series 
This new You Tube series, initiated and hosted by TOTAMS Media Coordinator Naraya Naserian, aims to feature some of the incredible and diverse people associated with the Turning of The Ages Mystery School. We are starting off with Shiva Faranpour, certified TOTAMS Astrologer and Council Member.
What This Earth Asks And Demands 
by Naraya Naserian 
The Journey of Inanna Revisioned 
A 19-Months Immersive Group Experience
We are thrilled that our 19-months immersive Group Experience is going ahead!
In celebration of the third wave of the school, we reintroduce Daniel Giamario’s teachings on the Venus and Mars cycles – including the variety of ways Venus interacts with Mars – and the myth of Inanna and her journey into the underworld and beyond 
in a deeply mystical and fully practical way. 
The free preview for this offering has passed, 
but you can still sign up for the recording.
The group will remain open to new sign-ups for another two months 
before closing and continuing with the then established participants. 
All are welcome!
September Equinox 
Two Days of TOTAMS Presentations
Our customary and loved by all
are approcaching fast with exciting insights and topics!
Both days are FREE to join, with an option to donate.
We look forward to co-creating with you! 
This seminar explores how the astrology of TOTAMS and the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ views Venus and Mars. This understanding provides the foundation for experiencing the Inner Sacred Marriage. The Inner Sacred Marriage process is a spiritual and psychological approach to gain inner wholeness and is one of the main teachings of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School. Join TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario and long-time council member Mary Kern, to explore all things Venus and Mars, and these planets’ crucial function in understanding our relationships and the development of inner wholeness.
Two eclipses, both of which can be called a Great American Eclipse will happen in the next two eclipse seasons. On October 14, 2023, there is an Annular (ring) Eclipse at 21Libra08. Then, on April 8, 2024, at19Aries24, there is a Total Solar Eclipse of over four minutes duration. Both cross the continental United States, and, in an astonishing criss-cross pattern, weave paths also connected to the Annular Eclipse of June 20, 2012 and the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. We will discuss the ramifications of this for the United States chart, as well as individual chart applications. All things about eclipses will be considered. Our special inquiry pertains to the possible significance of the eclipse paths themselves. The cosmological and historical events of the six converging timelines at the Great Turning of the Ages as well as the Lunar Standstill season 
provide the larger context of this seminar.
Virgo New Moon Monthly Members Call 
The Astrology and Cosmology of The Next Lunation
Members Calls take place each month at or near the New Moon
and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events 
taking place during the current lunation cycle.
Find the access link and archive of
Looking ahead … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!