Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
The Venus and Mars Synodic Cycles
Vlog with Daniel Giamario, 
Shiva Faranpour and Lynne Llamas 
Venus At The Leo New Moon
by Daniel Giamario
Earth Grids 
by Vivian Hurley
Esoteric Circle Fire Branch
Recording now available!
Course 02 Guided Group Experience
 with Levi Banner for Europe/US Time Zones
The Journey of Inanna Revisioned
Immersive 19-Months Series - Free Preview
Aligning with Life Purpose
Group Mentoring with Daniel Giamario
Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra
A Yearly Highlight Seminar
Red Pill Astrology on Unite.live
New Video Series with Daniel Giamario and Naraya
The Venus and Mars Synodic Cycles
Vlog with Daniel Giamario,
Shiva Faranpour and Lynne Llamas
For this New Moon vlog, titled
Daniel Giamario is joined by Shiva Faranpour, 
with a guest appearance from Daniel’s wife, Lynne Llamas.
For the first time ever, TOTAMS is creating a group coming together for the entirety of the 19-month Leo Venus Overstory which includes the equally important Mars cycle!
The original intent was that the Venus and Mars cycles were for both women & men.
We therefore especially desire for men to feel welcome in this group.
Venus is not just for women!
Read on in this Newsletter or CLICK HERE for more on the Venus/Mars group forming! 
Daniel, Shiva and Lynne discuss the importance of including the Mars cycle, together with the Venus cycle. They also discuss the original intent of the VENUS/MARS CYCLES RESEARCH which Daniel sourced in 1997.
Additionally being highlighted in the vlog is the great opportunity provided by awareness of Venus and Mars synodic cycles known as the INNER SACRED MARRIAGE Process, 
a foundational element of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School 
and online course soon to be released in a fully revised and updated format.
 Venus At The Leo New Moon
by Daniel Giamario
A series of remarkable Venus events are the highlights of the Leo New Moon on August 16. Additionally, there is a strong Sun square Uranus that amplifies it all. 
Let’s take a look!
Earth Grids 
by Vivian Hurley
Ancients understood that the Earth had a geometrical nature and placed sites all across the planet that lined up and connected into a giant geomantic system.
The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of consciousness filled with intelligent geometric patterns of Universal Creation.
Esoteric Circle: The Fire Branch 
Recording Now Available!
focuses on the spiritual and philosophical foundations of our astrological paradigm and the purpose of our Mystery School. Many diverse topics were discussed during the most recent "fireside chat" with Daniel, members of the TOTAMS council, and many of our TOTAMS community members. Recorded August 4, 2023 (1hr, 37min)
Esoteric Circle Calls are happening four times a year around the cross-quarter points. These calls are hosted within our private and secure Totams Community Forum and are open to anyone interested in the deeper background of this astrological paradigm. 
Click on the pictures below to 
To watch the replay, click on the link below and you will be redirected to the recording after you sign up or (if you already have an account) sign in. It's entirely FREE! 
Course 02 Guided Group Experience 
with Levi Banner 
we are delighted to offer you another chance to join senior TOTAMS tutor Levi Banner and a dedicated group of students for the 
Further dates: Aug 28, Sept 11, Sept 25, Oct 9
for Europe/Americas time zones:
10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT / 7:00pm CEST / 6:00pm BST
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is a series of five 90-min Q&A sessions led by Levi Banner for a small group of students enrolled in Course 02: Tracking Transits and moving through the material together. Students must first be enrolled in the course to join this group experience!
Sessions take place live via Zoom.
Learning the seasons and cycles of your life
will empower you in knowing what to do and when –
the key to a more present and connected life!
The Journey of Inanna Revisioned 
 Immersive Group Journey, Free Preview
is a new immersive 19-month virtual group journey for both women and men, cemonially celebrating 
Venus and her elegant dance around the sun has been celebrated in different cultures since ancient times. The story of Inanna, an ancient Sumerian myth, is describing Venus’ relationship to the Sun as experienced from the surface of our Earth! Wisdom can come from surrendering and cooperating with the planetary processes which are guiding us to our higher purpose.
Based on Daniel Giamario's original research from 1996 and many subsequent discoveries, for the first time this series of group sessions includes the unique interaction of the Venus Cycle with the Mars Overstory!
Whether you are in a Venus or Mars return or not, 
or a biological male or female, 
there is tremendous magic unfolding in our lives 
when we honor and co-create with the higher mysteries!
Click the picture above for more info!
Aligning with Life Purpose 
 Group Mentoring with Daniel Giamario 
The topic of this session is:
This inquiry may, indeed, be the most important reason for using astrology at this junction point in a Great Turning of the Ages. The main ingredients we will focus on in this session are the storyline of current life purpose, the Ascendant, the house position of the North Node, the other three angles of the chart, and the placements of Jupiter, Venus and Mars.
Group Mentoring calls are open to all who are interested
and particularly useful to students of TOTAMS Astrology wishing to
keep up to date with the latest developments in the paradigm.
They provide an outstanding personalized opportunity to enhance understanding and skills in various aspects of chart analysis. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and can share chart data in order to receive direct feedback from the founder and other participants.
Lunar Nodes in Aries/Libra 
 A Yearly Highlight Seminar 
On July 17, 2023, the Lunar Nodes entered the Aries/Libra axis, for the first time since December 25, 2004. The nodes stay in an astrological resonant polarity for about a year and a half, with their entry into the following Pisces/Virgo axis happening on January 11, 2025. For collective global humanity, the transiting nodal axis can be compared to an 18.6-year cosmic inbreath and outbreath, offering clues as to where we are coming from and where are we going towards.
The intent of this 18-month time frame will be explored in light of the more recent periods that the Lunar Nodes have been in this particular polarity. Of note is that these periods always lead up to the Lunar Standstill seasons – most recently 1911, 1930, 1949, 1967, 1986 and 2004. There are really important clues and a set of instructions for individual charts as well. Thus, natal complexes, transits and timeline implications will also be considered in this seminar.
Red Pill Astrology on Unite.live 
 New Video Series with Daniel Giamario and Naraya
In this new video series, Daniel and Naraya table potentially controversial topics and investigate them through the lense of TOTAMS Astrology. It is hosted on UNITE, 
a Freedom-of-Speech dedicated content creators platform, 
launched by GreenMedInfo founder Sayer Ji. 
every other Wednesday at 5:00pm PHST / 9:00am CEST
Looking ahead … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!